Web certificate

Web Certificate
Roger Technology's web certificate is an identification web logo, used by our company in order to regulate the publication of branded products and their prices, in other companies web-sites or e-commerce platforms, whom intend to offer Roger Technology's solutions, through B2C web platforms, to commercial operators and mainly customers.
The main focus of the “WEB CERTIFICATE” logo is to communicate to potential customers, so internet viewers, that only web-sites or e-commerce platforms branded with this logo are authorised by Roger Technology, to ensure procedures about distribution and correct publication of prices through B2C web channels, in order to guarantee a series of services and respect of the products established by Roger Technology.
The logo, “WEB CERTIFICATE”, protect and inform professional figures and potential customers about the following points:
All the products published on B2C web-sites and e-commerce platforms which expose the logo “WEB CERTIFICATE” are original products, and the compositions of the kits, or sets, are made exclusively with original accessories from Roger Technology, as specified on the company's catalogue.
All the prices published on B2C web-sites or e-commerce platforms with the logo “WEB CERTIFICATE”, are verified by Roger Technology based on agreed national sales strategies.
All the products, branded Roger Technology, purchased through web-sites or e-commerce platforms with the “WEB CERTIFICATE” logo, have the same rights, so they are all provided with the same warranty of traditional channel of selling, not only digital formats.
All the customers who purchase products branded Roger Technology, on web-sites or e-commerce platforms with the “WEB CERTIFICATE” logo, will have full technical support provided the manufacturer and the authorised dealer. Customer service is provided with timing and procedures established by each distributor in complete autonomy.
Roger Technology is not responsible for the provenience or the authenticity, or the prices proposed, by web-sites or e-commerce platforms without the “WEB CERTIFICATE” logo. In the very same way Roger Technology reserves the right not to provide with the original manufacturer warranty and related technical support to customers with products purchased in platforms without the “WEB CERTIFICATE” logo, since they are not officially certified by Roger Technology.
For any information about conditions of use, or the logics of publication of the logo “WEB CERTIFICATE”, you can contact our Premium Dealers in the UK area.